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ارسال شده توسط فائزه در 92/2/4:: 12:0 عصر

vitamin c is useful for life

even if it become a tv program

Kung Fu

ارسال شده توسط فائزه در 92/2/3:: 10:49 عصر

i like it


ارسال شده توسط فائزه در 92/2/2:: 10:23 عصر

nature give me a lot of energy and always make me happy

i need some one like sky extensive and blue. like sun warm and yellow .like seedlings racy and green



ارسال شده توسط فائزه در 92/2/1:: 3:11 عصر

When I was a teenager I was so confused about my future .I was accepted in English course at Isfahan University and was accepted in seminary(some special school for learning Islamic lesson) for studying theology too.

I needed to find my goal in life so I started to assess (evaluate) some means of living. I was searching in internet and books and periodicals (magazine) I found a lot of resources and read the critical of the cultures.

I found out some ways are too biased (false) for living like nihilism. Nihilism is suggesting no meaning for life and believe in events happen by accident  and there is no reason and result  I can"t accept that because I believe in other word after death.

Finally I understand that Iranian Islamic life is proficiently (very good and complete for making me in both word universe and the hereafter blissful (happy)

  There for I found my goal productively (documentary).

 Muslim believe that Allah is one and incomparable (can"t compare) and the purpose of existence (create people) is to love and serve (obey) Allah.

I chose the Islamic way for my life and it made me sure and confident about the result of my life. Islam gives me peace and calm in my heart.

Also I chose studying in seminary and I love it so much. Now after five years I"m so certain about my selection. And I improve my English now and it make me more happy.


ارسال شده توسط فائزه در 92/1/31:: 12:59 عصر

i went to my unts house

i have a bad pain in my back


ارسال شده توسط فائزه در 92/1/30:: 12:0 عصر

i think alot about my life

i had alot of failure

im introverted alot

now ithink i have better view in my living


ارسال شده توسط فائزه در 92/1/29:: 9:30 صبح

bothering you when you love someone and he doesn"t understand

killing you when you hate some one and he doesn"t understand

i love it

ارسال شده توسط فائزه در 92/1/28:: 10:45 عصر


ارسال شده توسط فائزه در 92/1/27:: 4:49 عصر

i deactivated my f.b account

im here



ارسال شده توسط فائزه در 92/1/26:: 12:38 عصر

i have a lot to do

i have to brush my teeth

go to beauty salon

clean my room

study english

Enrollment in  gym

Scheduling for my days

wearing make up

drying  my hair

 ihave to Regularize my mind

i have to forget

i have to remmember

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